Burger-Ping Admins | Anti Cheat
Da hat sich einer bei United Admins schwer ins Zeug gelegt.
Er hatte eine Software entwickelt die es ermöglichte den CD-Disabler
zu erkennen und die StaeamID zu regestrieren
Die Software wurde auf die Server installiert, mit grossem Erfolg.
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Cya Syn
PS.Wer da wohl dabei ist)
Er hatte eine Software entwickelt die es ermöglichte den CD-Disabler
zu erkennen und die StaeamID zu regestrieren
Die Software wurde auf die Server installiert, mit grossem Erfolg.
Unten weiteres.
Quelle: MEGABUST: 1000 Steamids Caught
Game - Half Life News. Posted by D_DK, Sunday at 01:37:28
The Finnish hugely popular admin and blacklist site has the last month had special software installed on their servers that detected use of Cheating Death disabler. The result is a MEGABUST of over 1000 steamids.
Its widespread, more then ever, and the numbers speak for themselves. Cheating Death is by many seen as the better alternative to VAC, but even CD has take beatings from the cheat development scene, and it seems that the cheating death disabler is a popular tool. which is a huge Finnish admin association closely working together with UnitedAdmins has had special software running on their servers for the last month that detected the use of the cheating death disabler, and the result was 1000 positive ids, many of them detected using it alot.
It more then anything paints a pretty picture of how soaked through cheating is. More widespread then ever, and we can only hope that efforts like this, so called "stinger operations" will be more widespread.
We at steambans congratulate the efforts of and UnitedAdmins and we hope to see alot more of this in the future.
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Cya Syn
PS.Wer da wohl dabei ist)