#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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Banning of Wololo, Wölölö, Welele and Wululu

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New Member
Hello there,

I know Burgerping is a german gaming network, and that allot of german have a problem with english, but I will write here anyway concerning banning of the above players.

My name is Jonas, im 19 and live in Sweden, currently unemployed. I play with my irl friends on Burgerping Italy Only just to have fun, as my serious CS days are long gone. I was once in a Swedish, and therefore world, top clan that occupied Clanbase #1 ladder for some time. This was in beta 6.5. I stopped playing "pro" in beta 1.3, until Source came and I took it up only for fun.
When I play Source, I ONLY play on Burgerping servers, and often me and my friends being accused of cheating, it happens every session we play. I understand that the German, and the CS community in general are mostly noobs, with little understanding of the game, and its easy to blame a player for cheating. But Burgerping have free spectator mode, and even when people spectate me and my friends they accuse us, which is kind of ridiculous.
I can take cheat accusations, its not a problem for me, because I know the truth, that not me nor my friends do any kind of cheating at all, and that includes no ghosting even though we easly could do that as well.
The problem is not with players though, its with ignorant admins, like todays work of wonder, b3rlin.r0x, which of course kept kicking us. First explanation we got when "welele" was kicked was "you cant have 129 to 9", like stats is ANY evidence of cheating ? Just that line is so ridiculous you should kick b3rlin.r0x from BP. We've been playing on BP for the last MONTH, and the only admin we've met is Ceefour, which is a nice fellow who can appreciate that we have "skill", and no cheat.. even if we are only average players.
There are 1000s of Source servers out there, and probably 50 of them are playing Italy Only, we could EASLY change servers, so why would I lie about us not cheating and write this mega-post ?

Thanks to everyone who dont belive we are cheaters, even if you are few. (can only think of Ceefour and Naphret at the moment). And thanks whoever reads this post, I know english is a pain for you germans..


New Member
I also speak english ...

but i can't say anything that would make sense to this topic but the admins will answer soon...

but it is a fucking prejudice that germans have problems with english !! but we know the thruth ( qoute it )


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
I have no problems with English. I answer tomorrow, if I am online.

Ich antworte jetzt mal ganz schnell auf Deutsch:

-Teamspeak usen


-zielt auf Boden und trifft HS

Könnte das einer schnell ins Englische translaten ? danke, bin jetzt offline. Bis morgen


New Member
I am trying tio translate the text above :

berlin.rox has the opinion that you were cheating , ghosting, and camping and he thinks that there must be something wrong !

his evidence are : a demo and your stats which propably have been very well....
he also oberserved that yu shoot on the ground with AK-47 but it also was an hs .... thats another point where he thinks that you are cheating

i hope that i translaated it correct !


New Member
Thanks .abs.

I think most people know that stats dont tell if a person is cheating or not. I often get crap stats too when Ive just joined a server and Im not warmed up yet, or if I have been playing for too long. If there is a demo of one of us shooting in the ground and getting HS, can you seriously say this is the first time you see it happen? We dont spray like n00bs alot but when we do we get lucky sometimes just like the n00bs. I am very much looking forward to the release of these videos and hearing the arguments for how we cheat ghost and camp. Hopefully you will watch these demos objectively and see that the crosshair doesnt fly around at amazing speeds to peoples heads. We also miss quite a bit and dont get HS every kill :)


New Member
I only want to add that I said "allot of germans", I by this do not mean ALL germans have a problem with english, but if we take Burgerping's Italy only Source server, alot of people speak about me in chat, in german, and when I point out that I do not know german and if they want to speak with me (i dont know what they are saying, maybe they just trashtalk me) they should do so in english, I get all sorts of curse words, resembling something like this "feck ju u fokin enlis spiker". I got german friends who can speak perfectly good english, and are nice fellows all around....


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
ok rox....hast du das demo denn überprüft??......die beiden klingen soweit ganz vernünftig und nur auf verdacht bannen ist ja hier bei uns nicht erlaubt.......kannst es ja mal hier reinstellen per link damit man sich mal ein bild von der situation machen kann.


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
I like to see the demo too.

A friend of mine is playing CS very good. when he is on a server, the most player call him a cheater. He was banned many times on our servers, but the admins who kicked and banned him are not anymore in burgerping.

so, there are some people ot there, which can play counter strike very good. and perhaps they look like a cheater, but they are pro gamer.

so - don't kick or bann when a player got stats of 129 - 9. ok that looks corious but it is possible. Jaegermeister and Jev0r know my friend I have told of in this threat. we were on his LAN Party. In his best times I guess he had nearly the same stats.



(My English is not so good as it was years ago)


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
Der Ban ging hauptsächlich wegen Extreme Campen. Zudem war es kein perm. Ban sondern 2 Stunden, der Ban lief gestern Abend 23.00 Uhr aus. Das mit dem Cheatverdacht war mir klar, das ich deswegen nicht bannen konnte. Zudem wurde ich von einigen W'lern beschimpft. Um mir und anderen Spielern das für den Abend nicht weiter anzutun, hab ich beschloßen die Spieler für 2 Stunden zu bannen. Mag sein das es in euren Augen jetzt komisch klingt, aber wenn man vor Ort war, weiß man wie es auf Italy abgegangen ist. Hab den Ban auch nicht eingetragen, war ja nur 2 Stunden halt.

Naja, bis dahin.


New Member
In response to b3rlin.r0x :

We didnt camp, as CT one of us (wölölö) usually stays behind and cover our backs at market, waiting for rushing Ts. You call that camping, I call that teamplay. I know CS has grown to a solo-deathmatch game, but some still like to play it the way its meant to be played.
And you were insulted by wululu, after you cheat accused us, and banned us. You were not insulted before, we would never insult a admin or another player first, but we will call you noob if you call us cheater.
Can the ban have to do anything with welele knifing you three times ? If anything, that was amusing.


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
Wo speichert CS:S die Screenshots ab ?, der Ordner "Sreenshots" ist bei mir komischer Weise leer, obwohl ich 12 Stück gemacht hab ?(
Und die Demo hab ich hier, kleinen Moment.

Hier der Demo-download:

Demo1 Demo2


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
sorry Rox....stell doch mal bitte einen link mit dem progi hier rein mit welchem man sich DEM-Dateien anschauen kann.....


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
ka,ich hab cs:s noch nicht und dementsprechned kann ich dir das nicht beantworten........wie schaust du dir denn die demos an??oder hast du das nicht gemacht?


New Member
I think they dont cheat.

I watched them playing and they dont use "ghosting" and cheats.
If u dont trust em, come on @ the cs italy server and spec em.

It is possible to get stats like "100/12" or sth like that.
If they say they play very well , i believe em,, because i play alot on the BP-Servers
and watch em =)

My Nick is Emerald[GER] or AnthraX[GER] .
Maybe some of em knows me .

So ich hab keine Lust das ins deutsche zu übersetzen =)


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
Doch. Ich hab die aufgenommen. Weiß nur nicht wie man die abspielt, also mit CS:S, das weiß ich schon xD. Und dementsprechend kenn ich auch den Inhalt der Demo.
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